
One Hour Pay Appeal


Appeal is closed now

Thank you all for your contributions that made this appeal a great success

Lets join hands together for making this appeal a great success by donating an hour of your pay to this good cause.

Recent floods and storm at Queensland and Victoria are devastating and
the damage is huge to the people and the region. In its humble way
Pulari is making effort to provide aid to flood victims. We can only pray
for the lives that are lost. But we can make life a bit better for those who
survived it with our little contribution. Remember that the community
needs the support from each of us to overcome this terrible mishap that
they went through.
We are appealing to all our colleagues and friends to join together and
contribute generously towards this relief drive . Please join with us to
help men, women and children who have been severely affected by
these devastating floods.
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Pulari is a Non-Profit Organisation registered under Consumer Affairs of Victoria, Australia.


-Develop a community that respects the need for charity.

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